Garage Door Opener Repair MD, DC, VA

We Repair All Makes of Garage Doors & Garage Door Openers

Our technicians safely perform a full diagnostic inspection to discover the root of the problem before we start to fix your Rockville, Frederick , Potomac or Olney garage door. With masks and gloves on, aware of Social Distance, we show you what the problem is and how we will fix it before we even begin.

Advice & Expertise is Available via Phone too! (301) 990-6200

You won’t find us requiring multiple visits and multiple trip charges while we guess our way through symptoms like some of our “Chuck-with-a-Truck" competitors with that really cheap “trip charge", but excessively high part charges.

Our office staff is experienced and up to date on the technical door issues you face: We will gladly quote our prices over the phone.  301-990-6200.

What does service include  & how much?

$139 + PARTS: includes the “Trip” and all the labor, no matter how long it takes. ($199 for labor in Washington D.C.)

(*Labor to fix parts of a 2nd door: $79)

  • ✓ Lubricate moving parts
  • ✓ Adjust springs to proper tension
  • ✓ Check the safety reverse of opener
  • ✓ Tighten any loose nuts & bolts
  • ✓ Inspect for any worn or damaged parts
  • ✓ INCLUDES labor to install the parts (parts are extra)
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